Tuesday 20 October 2009

Character Profiling

The pretty girl- this is the girl that has the guy’s attention, although she has beauty she seems to lack everything else. With no sense of direction for her life, her character becomes simple as she chooses not to challenge life, but take what she is given without questioning. Being a major fashionista, she knows what the trends are and acts as people expect her to, rather than thinking for herself, being a typical ‘life size Barbie,’ she is just there to look good, well that’s what she has made, for her purpose in life.

The guy- The male charac
ter is supposed to be shown as vain, knowing that he is good looking; he chooses to keep himself in the public eye, and surround himself by beautiful girls. Like the pretty girl, he uses his look
s and charms to get by in life, one thing they have in common is that they both live in an urban council estate. Stereotyped by adults because of the way he dress, he is not given the time of day, as society sees him as a danger. Being rejected so many times he chooses to apply to a college under a different name and lie about his identity and life, in order to fit in. caught between two colleges, two identities and even two worlds, he meets the ‘smart girl,’ who shows him a different take on life and what it means to work for what you want.

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