Tuesday 19 January 2010

Evaluation- Q2.How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

the main product that i chose to do for my advanced production was a music video, accompanied by a magzine cover and a cd digi pack...
i think altogether the three products worked well as they all played a part in bringing believablity and helping to promote the artist. with my magazine cover i thought that showing the main character with a female character would help to promote the artist as a person and having a female on the cover could insinuate some type of relationship and also connote the inspiration to his song.

on the front cover i have kept the design simple,
i have used the background image of a tree,
as i thought that represented the idea of 'taking things slow' to a different extent as what commotes time better than the aging of a tree. with the writng i have used four different colours to make it stand out, the colours used i matched to his clothing as a way to bring a sence of 'togetherness' on the cover.
in total i feel as though the tasks complimented eachother but i found it hard to figure whether to put the featuring artist on the cover also. then i remembered that it was an album cover i was making so it is only the recording artist that stays on the cover.

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